As a Pastoral Counselor and Christian Life Coach, I cannot emphasize enough the value of Godly wisdom. I read many years ago in the book of James that God would[…]
The Pastoral Counselor
Counseling is designed to help people reconcile their past and present issues. In working with these clients, the Pastoral Counselor relies on the fact that the Bible contains absolute truth and is sufficient for addressing life’s spiritual and relational problems and that the presence of the Holy Spirit is essential. Therefore the Bible becomes the primary tool in bringing a client’s concerns and issues to resolution while relying on the Holy Spirit for results.
Far too many people allow the issues of the past to stop them from enjoying the present and visualizing a joyous future. Pastor Sal and his clients explore the truth in God’s word in order to “break the chains” of the past. In John 8:32 Jesus says “ shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free”
If possible, the counseling sessions should take place in the counseling office. However, the use of visual media such as Skype and FaceTime works very well and is a valid alternative. For more information, contact Pastor Sal at
The Life Coach
Life Coaching is designed to help people who do not need reconciliation of past issues but need help moving forward in their personal or professional lives. Christian Life Coaching is a collaborative effort between the client, the coach, and the Holy Spirit. It seeks to produce goal-oriented outcomes for a better present and future. It is planned, pro-active, biblically based behavior that provides clear direction and focus.
Pastor Sal walks along side his clients in order to help them recognize and implement the wonderful plans that God has for their future. “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” 1Timothy 4:18.
Coaching sessions are very often conducted via the internet or telephone to accommodate the demanding schedules of busy clients. For more information, contact Pastor Sal at
Where do I begin? It was an amazing journey from the time we meet until today. Each week that we met with you we learned so many valuable life lessons. Your insightful advice about family, marriage, children and everyday decision making has changed our lives.
Dr. M and JNew YorkI really can’t express how grateful I am for your ministering to me. I felt listened to and validated. You gave me hope and peace. Not a day goes by without me putting into practice one or more of your suggestions. I thank the Lord for your gifts.
G.R.Long Island, NY“Pastor Sal, So glad you were available to provide the message “Christians Counseling Each Other” last Sunday. What a powerful and timely message straight from the heart of God. We were very well fed! Thank you so much. In terms of your message’s relevance for churches, I would say it’s right up there as one of the top five need-to-know “truths” that every church needs to hear, take to heart, and implement.
Thom Carter, Elder and Men's Ministry Leader, Crossover Church, Blue Ridge GASal’s mediation of a serious church conflict was nothing short of a miracle yet he gives all the credit and glory to God. Old wounds were healed and we can finally move forward as a united congregation.
Pastor T.New JerseyHello Sal, Our church thoroughly enjoyed your message yesterday. It is a message that needs to be heard in every church. Too often people place a great importance on their opinions, but your message presented the timeless, biblical truths that God expects and requires in our lives to help us fulfill His purpose through the local church. It was a great message, and it was clearly presented in a manner that everyone could understand and relate to, regardless of a person’s age or spiritual matur… Read more
Pastor Daniel PostellCalvary Chapel, Blue Ridge, GASince I am constantly attempting to balance and improve my life, I have seen many counselors and coaches spanning a period of almost forty years and Sal is one of the best. As a business coach, Sal comes equipped with the personal experience, knowledge, and wisdom of how to succeed in business. His approach is easy yet straight forward and to the point. His diverse background has given him a multifaceted approach to coaching and he keeps it all balanced on a biblical foundation.
Carol ProkapEvent Planner, Sarasota, FLBeing the keynote speaker at our annual prayer breakfast, Sal absolutely exceeded our expectations. As a Kiwanian for forty years, I had never heard anyone make the comparisons between our objectives and verses from the bible. It was great!
Connie ThrasherLt. GovenorDist.18, FLPastor Sal visited us recently and shared a message on the importance of Christians counseling each other in a Biblical way. This is a message that every Christian needs to hear. Using practical applications of Biblical truths, real life examples, humor, and overhead media, Sal’s message was clear and concise. Counseling others can be easier than we think and fruitful as long as we follow God’ s Word. We look forward to Pastor Sal’s next visit.
Pastor Doug KinneyCommunity Bible Church (Calvary Chapel Fellowship) Sag Harbor, NY